clawsonsy 22nd December 2010

A memo appeared on the faculty mailing list here this week: "The Student Bill of Rights requires that all faculty provide a syllabus for their students. Please pass this information on to each 'Instructor of Record' for the spring semester. ..." The Student Bill of Rights. That takes me back. Back to the evening in my Senior year at Purdue when as president of my housing unit I sat in on a discussion in the Student Senate about the creation of the Student Bill of Rights. There were problems with the wording. Some thought it wasn't worth pursuing any longer. A student senator stood up and said he knew some kids who were going to be Freshmen at Purdue the next year, and if we didn't pass this Student Bill of Rights and show them that we could accomplish something by negotiating with the administration, all ++++ was going to break loose because these kids weren't as patient as we had been for years. Well, the Student Bill of Rights was passed and approved, but things did heat up. The very next year there was a sleep-in in the Union during Gala Week to protest the doubling of the cost of tuition. Later there were rallies in front of the Administration building and a very organized (because that is how we do things in Indiana) march on Indianapolis, and I don't know what else. John was one of those in the thick of things. He was involved in a way I never was. Growing up, I spent part of every holiday with John David and his family. We grew up and went our separate ways. I always thought there would be time to reconnect. Never count on time. It can vanish in an instant, on a slippery road in the mountains. My very best to Katy as she starts her next adventure, study abroad. She is a miracle in so many ways. Vaya con Dios.